
In 2020, amidst the chaos of the COVID-19 pandemic, I launched The Duke, taking on the multifaceted role of a solo entrepreneur and managing everything from product design to customer service. Navigating a rapidly evolving business landscape, I harnessed the power of online branding to establish a robust presence on Facebook, Instagram, Google, and YouTube. Driven by a passion for innovation, I adopted a multi-channel marketing strategy to effectively engage our audience through compelling storytelling and meaningful interactions, transforming each touchpoint into an opportunity to build a community. Additionally, I conducted a thorough analysis of the brand and its communications to develop a campaign that enhanced our market positioning.

How I have done it



From the smallest detail to the grandest vision, we redefine elegance in every aspect. I leverage even the minutest details in our marketing campaigns to create significant impacts on customer interaction and curiosity. By meticulously crafting each element, from color palettes to promotional wording, I ensure every touchpoint resonates with our audience.

This attention to detail enhances brand perception and builds anticipation for our grand opening. Through targeted teasers, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and interactive content, I create a sense of exclusivity and excitement. This fosters curiosity and connection, laying a strong foundation for a successful launch and positioning our brand as a paragon of sophistication and quality.


Packaging Videos

Packaging Videos

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The   Duke   Grand   Opening

The video achieved 21.1k views and significantly boosted sales, resulting in 30% of our stock being sold.



Producing high-quality content, managing all social media platforms, gathering relevant client insights, and strategically scheduling content.

Instagram content now focuses more on cohesive themes and visually appealing imagery. Posts are carefully curated to tell a story or convey a specific vibe, with images being thoughtfully composed and edited to match the overall aesthetic. Captions add depth and encourage engagement, resulting in feeds that are visually striking and engaging.


Implementing a daily post and weekly video schedule is crucial in modern marketing. This consistency enhances audience engagement, and brand recognition, and aligns with social media algorithms, boosting visibility. Regular, well-crafted content builds trust, anticipation, and a loyal community that actively interacts with and promotes your brand. It also keeps your brand top-of-mind for consumers and provides valuable data to refine content strategies and target marketing campaigns more effectively.



“At the time when the world is out of balance, one has to commit oneself to one's humanistic values. We are all human on this island called Earth and we have to get along. I am firmly convinced that this is achieved with love rather than hate. Let us emphasise the similarities and accept the differences”

-The Duke-

The marketing strategy extended beyond sales-focused posts, aiming to engage customers by aligning with our brand values and addressing pertinent social issues. Through purposeful content and product designs, we sought to raise awareness and spark conversations, fostering empathy and empowerment among our audience. By championing meaningful causes, we demonstrated our brand's commitment to social responsibility while forging genuine connections with our community

Grand Opening Teaser


First Collection Teaser